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Why Not Focus on Family and Community Values?

by B. Mags/Loud Librarian | 5 years ago

Keep Calm2Jim Farfaglia presented his book Nestle in Fulton, New York: How Sweet it Was, at Runnings of Clay, to a small room of local community members. Following his very entertaining presentation, the group discussed the American Creed Question of the Week:

What do you think the next wave of economic prosperity can be for the community?

Our discussion led from learning about the history of Nestle in Fulton to how important it is to share its history today. There is something valuable in sharing local history and reflecting on how it can bring in trade and tourism. If our economic councils focus on tourism in our area and provide visitors a focus on community and how much our area has to offer, we are also offering opportunities to improve the region, which also provides more employment opportunities.


One group member referred to our just-learned Nestle motto, which we felt was a good way to describe and embrace the next wave:

Where reigns the family spirit,
There reigns happiness.

The focus on family and community values will lead to the "happiness" of our economic prosperity.

Zig Ziglar says in See You at the Top:

Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation. 

If that's true, then we must begin preparations now. Start by taking a walk through your neighborhood, greet others with a wave; visit your local library and share your thoughts with the group!

Thank you to everyone who attended this program. I think we all have some food for thought…excuse me while I go eat some chocolate.

~ Discover ~ Learn ~ Grow with me, B. Mags/Loud Librarian


American Creed: About the Film

American Creed on PBS

Central New York Regional Economic Development Council, Upstate Revitalization Initiative

Jim Farfaglia's Author Page

Pittsburgh Shows the Way to Rebound

Further Reading:

Amity and Prosperity: one family and the fracturing of America| Eliza Griswold (2018) Place a Hold

The Coming Revolution: Signs from America’s Past that Signal Our Nation’s Future| Richard G. Lee (2012) Instantly available on hoopla

The global economy as you've never seen it: 99 ingenious infographics that put it all together| Thomas Ramge and Jan Schwochow with Adrian Garcia-Landa (2018) Place a Hold

The price of civilization: reawakening American virtue and prosperity | Jeffrey D. Sachs (2011) Place a Hold

Why Nations Fail: the origins of power, prosperity, and poverty| Daron Acemoglu (2012) Place a Hold